Wills and Testaments
Plan for the future, protect your loved ones.
A will or testament is a legal document that outlines a person’s wishes as to how their property is to be distributed after their death. It also outlines who is to manage the property until its final distribution. In here you can learn about Health Care directives and their purpose, Power of Attorney, Inheritance law and much more.
Many people die without having drafted a Will. Be proactive and let us guide you through this process. Schedule a Virtual Consultation today.

What Is a Health Care Directive, and Why You Need One
Thinking about the future and the uncertainty that it holds can be a scary proposition. Planning for the event of an untimely health care issue can also be a scary proposition. Which is why having a health care directive, living will, or last will and testament can make things a little more certain.
A Last Will and Testament [Explained]
There is a document, known as a last will and testament, that can ensure that your assets are divided in the way that you wish. It is an estate-planning document that can clearly designate property and assets to those whom you wish to leave your valuables.
The Ultimate Guide to Advance Directives and Power of Attorney
There may come a time in your life when you require medical attention or treatment, and you are unable to communicate with physicians coherently. As scary as this thought may be, it is essential to be proactive and prepare for this event with a Living Will, Advance Directives and a Power of Attorney. There are two documents that you will need to complete....
Inheritance Law and Your Rights in California
Many people do not take the time to learn about Inheritance Law or to write wills and testaments. The unfortunate result is that many individuals pass away without having ever written one. What happens to their property in that case? In this article, you will find information about inheritance law in California and other states. Such laws govern the legal...
Ultimate Guide for Estate Planning: Probate, Trusts, Last Will and Testaments
A Last Will and Testament (a “will”) is not only for the wealthy and it is not only for the elderly. Everyone needs a will because it is the legal means by which you can tell the world how you want your assets distributed at your death. Without a will and Testament, you will die what is called intestate. This means that state statutes will dictate how your individually owned assets are...