Child Support
Learn the ins and outs of California’s child support laws.
Child support is based on the policy that both parents are obliged to financially support their children in the form of ongoing, periodic payments after divorce following the end of the parent’s marriage.
The laws concerning child support in the State of California are unique, so feel free to contact us for guidance and advice regarding this important obligation.

Guide to California Child Support
California’s child support system blends legal requirements with modern digital solutions that help parents handle their obligations smoothly. The state uses specific formulas based on income levels and time-share arrangements to calculate support payments.
Child Support Laws in California: What Every Parent Needs to Know
Child support is essential for the well-being of your children. However, navigating the complexities of the child support laws in California can be daunting. It starts from deciphering the legal jargon to understanding how the amount is calculated.
How Much is Child Support in California?
How Much is Child Support in California? Well, in this guide we will explore the factors involved in calculating child support payments in the State of California and provide insights into the average amounts paid by divorced parents.
California Child Support Laws: A Comprehensive Guide
California Child Support Laws aim to ensure that children receive adequate financial support from both parents. The state has specific child support guidelines determining the amount of support based on factors like income, custody arrangements, and special costs. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of California child support laws.
What Is Child Support? Understand and Navigate the System
If you are recently separated or divorced, you might wonder, what is child support? Many people are unfamiliar with what this is, how it’s implemented, and how much money usually has to be paid.
What Are the Grounds for Full Custody of a Child in California?
When it comes to the latter, some parents pursue full custody if they feel that it is the best for their child or children. But what are the grounds for full custody of a child in California?
#1 Guide to Child Support Modification in California
There are circumstances that can change throughout the child’s lifetime, at which point a parent may request a child support modification. Check out this Guide to Child Support Modification in California
How Is Child Support Calculated for Affluent People? Let’s Find Out
Deciding custody and child support is undoubtedly the most important part of a divorce or separation for parents. Ordinarily, the California courts use a complicated formula to determine the appropriate level of child support. However, for high-income parents, this formula doesn’t always work. Table of Contents What Is “Affluent”? How Is Child Support...
Is COVID-19 Affecting Alimony Payments Laws in California?
Many people have had their lives turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses remain closed and people are out of work. You may have found yourself with a cut in your salary, or you may have lost your job. In addition to having difficulty paying your bills, you may find yourself unable to make your alimony payments. You may need to meet with an...
What is a 730 Evaluation in California?
Whenever you’re in court for some reason, regardless of which side you’re on, the judge may request that a 730 evaluation take place. A 730 evaluation is completed by experts who are appointed by the court so that they are unbiased and objective. There are numerous reasons why they are requested or even required to take place and they are often required in...
Best California Child Support Guide
When going through a divorce, one of the most important sets of guidelines to understand are those related to child support. Child support guidelines in California are comprehensive and can be difficult to understand. The internet is full of articles that can easily synthesize these guidelines, and can also confuse you even further. Let’s dive in with this quick California Child Support...
Can a Child’s Preference Influence a Child Custody Case?
If you are currently undergoing court proceedings to determine the custody of a child, there are many factors the courts will examine when deciding the outcome. Other than the wellness and capability to provide for the child, a significant factor is the child’s parental preference, as long as there is no history of abuse or neglect. Although there are no...
How to help children cope with their parents’ divorce
Unfortunately, divorce in the US has become a regular part of life It is estimated that 40 percent to 50 percent of marriages end in divorce in the US; however, just because it is a frequent occurrence does not mean it is not stressful for children. If parents have children and they file for divorce, it can be very frustrating to the children, even if...
Can a Father get Full Custody of His Child?
Attempting to get partial or full custody of a child can be both stressful and challenging. With numerous factors going into the decision, the most important one resides within the best interest of the child. Many people may tell you that a father has no chance in a custody battle, but that is simply untrue. This article will investigate the ways that any...
5 Reasons why a parent may lose custody of a child
“How can a parent may lose custody of a child?” This question is entirely valid that you may be asking yourself, especially if you are in the middle of a custody battle with the child’s other parent. Protecting your child from your former partner through a custody battle can be emotionally draining. However, knowing what could cause a parent to lose...
Child Support Rights and Obligations in California
Child support is the amount of money ordered by a court to pay a parent or both parents every month to help pay for the living expenses of their child. State law in California presumes that every parent has a duty to support his or her child financially. Child support is for the purpose of providing food, clothing, medical care and ability to get an...
Understanding Child Support Law
Child Support is just one part of a process that can be challenging and stressful. Having some understanding of how child support works and what is required of you will eliminate some of that stress. This article will provide an outline of the basics and most often asked questions about child support law. Each state has its own child support laws based on the federal statute. No two child...