General Law Practice

How to Value Cryptocurrency Assets in Business Valuation
Business valuation is essential for determining the true worth of a company. But it’s incomplete without including cryptocurrency assets. These digital currencies play a significant part in a company’s financial portfolio. If you need help valuing these assets accurately, contact the attorneys at WGS Law today.
How Business Valuation Affects Divorce in California
It’s always complicated to divide assets when a couple goes through a divorce in California. The only thing that makes the matter more complex is when a business is involved. If you’re navigating this stressful process, you will need expert legal guidance. Just contact WGS Law to schedule a consultation today. We can discuss business valuation and more.
Accurate Business Valuation: Why You Need a Divorce Attorney
Ending a marriage is never easy — it’s a decision that comes with emotional and financial challenges. If one or both parties own a business, getting an accurate business valuation is key to ensuring a fair division of assets. A divorce attorney can provide guidance through this complex process in the state of California.
The Importance of Business Valuation in Divorce Cases
Divorce is never easy, and dividing assets can feel overwhelming — especially when a business is involved. Business valuation in divorce cases ensures that both parties get a fair share and that there are no unnecessary disputes.
How Your Divorce Attorney Can Protect Your Business During a Divorce
A divorce is an emotionally and mentally draining process, but it shouldn’t have to drain your finances as well. With the help of a strong divorce attorney, you can protect your business and other assets.
What is a Power of Attorney?
Let's discuss in details What is a Power of Attorney, plus download free POA forms There are times when you may need for someone else to take care of certain legal matters for you, either because you’re temporarily incapacitated or you’re not physically in a certain location to sign documents and perform other legal duties. When this happens, you can...
6 Things You Should Know About a Business Valuation in Divorce Cases
Assets that are shared by a couple during their marriage, including a shared business, is subject to division when the marriage ends. There are six things you should know about business valuation in Divorce Cases. 1. Where there’s a business, there’s valuation. If a business is owned, you can...
What You Need to Know If You Are Considering Prenuptial Agreements
If you are about to get married and have been jolted from the fairy tale by the term ‘prenup,’ then this article is for you. We put together a comprehensive, short-form guide to help you navigate the complex process of prenuptial agreements. Want to know what your rights and responsibilities are? Read on to find out. Read This Guide Before You...