Child Custody
Article Tag: Child Custody
Here you will find our latest articles about Child Custody. Family law and legal advice from the Woodman Garcia-Sepulveda team. We are your California family law specialist.

The Role of a Child Custody Lawyer in Custody Disputes
Choosing the right Child Custody Lawyer is important. Custody attorneys help protect the child and parent during legal processes. The expertise of a seasoned child custody lawyer can significantly influence the outcome of custody battles, ensuring the child’s welfare remains paramount.
What Are the Grounds for Full Custody of a Child in California?
When it comes to the latter, some parents pursue full custody if they feel that it is the best for their child or children. But what are the grounds for full custody of a child in California?
Changing Child Custody From Joint to Sole in California
If you’re looking to change your child’s custody situation, the first step is understanding the different aspects of child custody in California.
What is a 730 Evaluation in California?
Whenever you’re in court for some reason, regardless of which side you’re on, the judge may request that a 730 evaluation take place. A 730 evaluation is completed by experts who are appointed by the court so that they are unbiased and objective. There are numerous reasons why they are requested or even required to take place and they are often required in...
How to help children cope with their parents’ divorce
Unfortunately, divorce in the US has become a regular part of life It is estimated that 40 percent to 50 percent of marriages end in divorce in the US; however, just because it is a frequent occurrence does not mean it is not stressful for children. If parents have children and they file for divorce, it can be very frustrating to the children, even if...
Can a Father get Full Custody of His Child?
Attempting to get partial or full custody of a child can be both stressful and challenging. With numerous factors going into the decision, the most important one resides within the best interest of the child. Many people may tell you that a father has no chance in a custody battle, but that is simply untrue. This article will investigate the ways that any...
5 Reasons why a parent may lose custody of a child
“How can a parent may lose custody of a child?” This question is entirely valid that you may be asking yourself, especially if you are in the middle of a custody battle with the child’s other parent. Protecting your child from your former partner through a custody battle can be emotionally draining. However, knowing what could cause a parent to lose...