Power of Attorney

What Is a Health Care Directive, and Why You Need One
Thinking about the future and the uncertainty that it holds can be a scary proposition. Planning for the event of an untimely health care issue can also be a scary proposition. Which is why having a health care directive, living will, or last will and testament can make things a little more certain.
What is a Power of Attorney?
Let's discuss in details What is a Power of Attorney, plus download free POA forms There are times when you may need for someone else to take care of certain legal matters for you, either because you’re temporarily incapacitated or you’re not physically in a certain location to sign documents and perform other legal duties. When this happens, you can...
What are the 4 types of Power of Attorney?
Have you recently found yourself in a situation where you need a power of attorney? Perhaps you may not need it now, but foresee yourself needing one in the future. Whatever the case may be, a power of attorney is quite a significant piece of legal documentation that will allow a person, known as a principal, to appoint someone to act on their behalf if they become incapacitated. This person,...